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How to Become a Reiki Healer: A Step-by-Step Guide

There’s plenty to think through before becoming a Reiki practitioner. We’ve laid out the most important points in this article.

Introduction to Reiki

Before you start telling your friends and family that you're planning on becoming a Reiki healer and fielding questions like "What in the world does a Reiki healer do?", take a look over this article. While it's not exhaustive, we've listed out a lot of the high-level things to expect during your journey.

The goal of this article was to paint with broad strokes about Reiki and provide some food for thought, so we've started with some topics you might want to skip over.

Here's a quick list of the topics in case you want to jump down the article:

  • Understanding what Reiki is and how it works
  • The main benefits of Reiki
  • Common misconceptions you'll have to deal with as a practitioner
  • Essential gear and equipment
  • How to become a Reiki practitioner
  • Training programs
  • Career development

What is Reiki?

Experienced master practicing Reiki.
Experienced master practicing Reiki.

Reiki is a holistic energy healing technique that can help improve your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. It is an alternative form of therapy that promotes healing by balancing the universal life force energy that flows through all living things.

The word ‘reiki’ is made up of ‘rei’, meaning ‘soul’, and ‘ki’, meaning ‘vital energy’.

How Does Reiki Work?

Reiki practitioners identify the presence of energy blockages or voids within their clients. From here, they focus on the transfer and balance of healing energy to support a client’s personal problems or medical ailments.

Reiki treatments involve the practitioner targeting energy fields across the body to eliminate energy blockages, which can lead to illness or pain.

The Benefits of Reiki

Image showing the use of singing bowl in healing arts.
Image showing the use of singing bowl in healing arts.

Reiki is claimed to have a broad range of benefits, so there are plenty of reasons to learn this practice and add it to your toolkit for health and wellness.

While there's no empirical evidence to support these benefits, there are plenty of practitioners and patients who swear by the treatment. Here are some of the potential benefits of Reiki:

1. Stress Reduction and Relaxation:

Reiki promotes deep relaxation and helps reduce stress. The gentle energy flow during a Reiki session can create a calming effect, which helps the body to relax and de-stress and can help improve overall well-being.

2. Pain Relief:

Reiki can help alleviate physical pain and discomfort. Practitioners believe that Reiki energy can accelerate the body's natural healing processes, making it useful for managing pain from conditions such as arthritis, injuries, and chronic pain.

3. Emotional Balance:

Reiki can help balance emotions and promote emotional healing. It is often used to address anxiety, depression, and emotional trauma. The calming effect helps individuals feel more centered and emotionally stable.

4. Improved Sleep:

Reiki can enhance sleep quality by promoting relaxation and reducing stress, leading patients to fall asleep more easily and enjoy a deeper, more restful sleep.

5. Enhanced Healing:

Reiki is claimed to support the body's natural healing processes. It can be used to complement medical treatments, helping to speed up recovery from surgery, illness, or injury. Some people use Reiki to boost their immune system and enhance overall health.

6. Increased Clarity and Focus:

Reiki can help clear the mind and improve focus and clarity. By reducing mental clutter and stress, individuals may find it easier to concentrate and make decisions.

7. Support for Chronic Conditions:

Reiki can provide support for individuals with chronic conditions. While not a cure, it can help manage symptoms and improve the quality of life for those dealing with chronic illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, or autoimmune disorders.

Common Misconceptions

Reiki treatment in action.
Reiki treatment in action.

As a practice that isn't grounded in scientific study, Reiki is surrounded by misunderstandings. Here are some common misconceptions and clarifications:

1. Reiki Is a Religion

It's not. It is a spiritual healing practice that does not require belief in any specific religious doctrine.

2. Reiki Practitioners Heal with Their Own Energy

They don't. Instead, they act as channels for universal life energy, which flows through them to the recipient.

3. Reiki Only Works if You Believe in It

Reiki works independently of a person’s belief system. Many people report positive effects from Reiki, even if they were initially sceptical.

4. Reiki Can Replace Medical Treatment

Reiki is a complementary therapy, not a substitute for conventional medical treatment. It can support healing and well-being but is not a cure for medical conditions.

5. Reiki Is Only for Physical Healing

Reiki is beneficial for more than just physical ailments. It promotes mental, emotional and spiritual healing.

6. Reiki Sessions Are the Same as Massage

If you're expecting a massage when you book in for a Reiki session, you're going to be disappointed. It’s a gentle laying on of hands without manipulating muscles.

7. Reiki Results Are Instant

Some people may feel immediate benefits from Reiki; others may notice gradual improvements over time.

8. Reiki Practitioners Can Diagnose Illnesses

Reiki practitioners are not medical professionals and do not diagnose illnesses. In this regard it's much closer to meditation than a form of medicine.

9. Reiki Cannot Be Used for Self Healing

At the First Degree (level 1) of training, students receive an attunement to Reiki energy, enabling them to channel and direct it for personal spiritual development and healing of themselves and immediate family and friends.

So, that’s a lowdown on Reiki and things people don’t understand. Clarifying these may help people make informed decisions about incorporating Reiki into their wellness routines.

Essential Gear and Equipment

Treatment Table

A treatment table is necessary for any kind of manual therapy. During a Reiki session, the client will likely begin by lying down on a massage table.

The table needs to be as comfortable for your patients as possible, given Reiki relies on patients feeling relaxed and balanced, which can be sabotaged by discomfort.

The table you choose will largely depend on how much cash you're prepared to lay down, whether you're traveling to patient's houses, or if you're working in an established brick and mortar location.

If you are working at an established practice, here are a few Australian-made treatment tables to check out:

Pro-Lift Apollo 5: The best money can buy

The Alevo Pro-Lift: Apollo 5 Advantage blows patient's expectations out the window.
The Alevo Pro-Lift: Apollo 5 Advantage blows patient's expectations out the window.

Pro-Lift Apollo 5 is perfect for Reiki healers who are working at high-end spas and treatment centres.

  • Fully electric and configurable
  • Endorsed by the Australian Chiropractors Association
  • Fewer moving parts, magnetic drops that last longer and provide a smooth, crisp and responsive action.

Pro-Lift Chiro Basic: Affordable, high quality

The Pro-Lift Chiro Basic is a great option for any physical therapist.
The Pro-Lift Chiro Basic is a great option for any Reiki practice.

The Pro-Lift Chiro Basic is perfect for Reiki practitioners who have an established practice but don't need the bells and whistles (or price tag) of the Apollo 5.

  • Australian Dunlop cushioning system suited to craniosacral therapy adjustments and manipulations
  • Adjustable head section and prone armrest
  • Choice of PVC, PU and genuine leather fabrics

Athlegen Stationary One Section: Best budget option

Athlegen Stationary One Section is great for physical therapists.
Athlegen Stationary One Section is great for Reiki sessions.

Athlegen Stationary One Section is a really nice, well-rounded table that's easier on the wallet.

  • Dunlop triple-layered cushioning for superior comfort
  • Custom-made to your height preference
  • Extra heavy-duty

Whichever table you go with, make sure it has a face cradle, which is an adjustable horseshoe-shaped head support that makes it easier for the client to breathe while lying on their stomach. A table must be sturdy enough to hold up during the treatment and easy to clean in between clients.

Linens and Towels

Quality linens are pretty important. After all, you don’t want to put your clients on a stained sheet someone else has been on.

Depending on how you’ve set up your treatment room, you may find it useful to have a few additional blankets on hand for clients who are particularly sensitive to the temperature of a room.

Pillows and Bolsters

Owning a range of pillows and bolsters that can support your clients in different positions like lying on their back, side, or stomach, will ensure you can help them find the most comfortable spot to enjoy their treatment.

Becoming a Reiki Practitioner

Massage therapists and heiki healers often work side by side.
Massage therapists and Reiki healers often work side by side.

Reiki Training and Certification

To become a Reiki healer, you need to understand what Reiki is and how it works. Talk to others who have already become a Reiki practitioner to gather first-hand information.

Finding a qualified Reiki Master/Teacher is the next step. A Reiki Master/Teacher is someone who has undergone Reiki master training and is capable of teaching others about Reiki. This training often includes learning under the supervision of a certified Master Reiki practitioner, who may be accredited by professional associations (like Reiki Australia) for Reiki practitioners.

Each Reiki level will require you to complete training courses withInhis Master/Teacher, and you will have to gain certification to practice RReikiprofessionally.

In the Second Degree of Reiki training, practitioners receive the profound Reiki symbols, which allows them to work with clients on distance healing and send Reiki energy to past, present, and future situations. This certification can be obtained from a variety of reputable organizations, and it is proof of your ability to practice Reiki effectively, regardless of your level of training.

Reiki Training Programs

Choosing the Right Reiki Training Program

When choosing a Reiki training program, find a certified Reiki Master who has excellent reviews online. There are different styles of Reiki that various Reiki practitioners can be trained in, and the teaching styles can also differ.

Consider the style of Reiki you want to learn and how you learn most effectively, and then find a program that aligns with this. You need to reflect on your passion and desire to learn Reiki before you embark on your journey.

You may be called to pursue Reiki without knowing exactly why, with a clear drive to help yourself and others. Conversely, you also might be curious about what Reiki is and what it can offer to people. Whatever the drive is, make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons and that you’re passionate about it, as you’ll be devoting a lot of time to it.

Career Development

Reiki healer preparing for a healing session.
Reiki healer preparing for a healing session.

Building a Successful Reiki Practice

Establishing a growing Reiki healing practice is a personal decision that each practitioner must make for themselves. Networking is crucial and can be done in several ways, both online and in person.

Now that you’re certified, you should try to network with Reiki Masters and practitioners, as well as massage therapists, in your area. Networking with these individuals can open up opportunities for you and form a community for you to share your thoughts and experiences with.

Social media could be another useful tool to help promote your business and services.

I don't want to repeat myself too much on this topic since I wrote a comprehensive article on bringing more clients to medical practice. Check this article out if you want some more advice on how to bring patients to your practice.

Career Outlook and Salary

Finding a job in the current economy is tough for everyone. However, the job prospects for a Reiki healer are trending upwards because more people are interested in holistic healthcare than ever before.

As a Reiki healer, you can find your way into a position in a variety of settings, such as spas, wellness centres, or you can work from home. If you want to build a private practice, you can rent out a space in one of these centres or offer your services from your own home.

You could also rent out a space and build your own practice from there if you have the funds to do so (but this is a risky place to start, and should be your end goal rather than first step).

Your earning potential as a Reiki healer will fluctuate depending on how much you can charge for your services, as well as how much you work.

If you work for yourself, you will take home all of your earnings, and if you work for someone else, you will take home a portion of the money you make. Typically, the average annual salary of a Reiki healer ranges from approximately $35,000 to $70,000 per year. This can fluctuate depending on how much you are able to charge for your services.

Building your reiki practice

Conducting a Reiki Session

Whichever direction you choose to take with your Reiki healing, you'll need to learn how to conduct a session. This involves creating a peaceful environment for your client and guiding them through the start-to-finish experience (i.e. walking through the door, treatment, payment, and rebooking).

By this point, you should have studied under a master and achieved some formal certification. You should understand how to channel energy through your hands and use gentle touch or hover techniques to facilitate healing. Knowing how this energy work helps balance the body and mind is essential.

Many clients report feeling deep relaxation during a Reiki session, and you can enhance this experience with calming music and aromatherapy to help your clients feel even more at ease.

Setting Up Your Reiki Space

The goal in setting up your treatment space is to make it as cozy and professional as possible. This will help your clients feel comfortable and build trust in you as a practitioner.

It probably goes without saying, but an unprofessional space can undermine your credibility and make clients hesitant to return. Even if your client loves the work you do, if your space is a bit yuck, they probably won't come back.

Pricing Your Services

This really is the most difficult part of owning any kind of small business. You don’t want to set the price too low because you won’t earn the money you need to make a living or keep your business open. However, if you set your price too high, you might price yourself out of the market, and no one will be able to afford your services.

The most important thing is to research competitors and find out what they're charging. There's no rule that says you need to charge the same rate as your competitors, but when you're first starting out, it helps to avoid overpricing yourself, which can make it harder to land new clients.

Client Management and Retention

You'll eventually need to set up a system for managing your clients. When you're starting out, this can simply be a notebook or calendar where you record your appointments.

Once you're up and running and need to manage lots of clients, it might be worth finding a piece of software that can help you keep track of them all. It’s always a good idea to have a system in place to monitor client satisfaction and reach out to them when they’re due for a follow-up treatment.

Building a Successful Practice

You will also need to find a way to attract clients and keep them coming back. This might involve creating a professional website and social media presence. You could also take a look at creating business plans to help you plan your practice.

Don’t forget to network with other healthcare practitioners, like osteopaths and massage therapists, to build up your practice and get referrals from them.


Starting Your Journey as a Reiki Practitioner

Becoming a Reiki practitioner therapist is incredibly worthwhile, and helping people improve their health is a commendable career choice.

By following the steps, such as studying under a reputable master, building a strong network, and concentrating on continuous professional development, you can help you become the best Reiki healer you can be! Keep learning, and you will keep growing!